Kamis, 07 Juni 2018

An Information About Cybercounseling


           Cybercounseling is the process of providing psychological assistance from a professional counselor to a counselee who has problems and is unable to solve his own problems (Corey, 2003). Furthermore Bloom (2004) mentions that cybercounseling counseling services is one of the counseling services strategy that is virtual or counseling that takes place through the help of internet connection.

          Another character named Lunt (2004) says that cybercounseling is a professional counseling service between a counselor and a counselee who is located separately via e-mail and chat.While solving the problem according to Gladding (2015) is an effort that involves an active process of cognition-affection-conasi to solve a problem owned.

            So in conclusion cybercounseling as an alternative to help solve a problem is the process of providing psychological assistance from a professional counselor to a counselee who has problems and is unable to solve his or her own problems, through virtual counseling assistance as an option of several possible counseling services there to solve the problem solving.

          Online counseling media such as can be done through website / site, telephone / mobile, Email, Chat, Instant Messaging, Social Networking, Video Conferencing / Video Call. Each media of course has its own features and advantages so in this case, for the implementation of online counseling more effectively applied can use some of the online counseling media as I mentioned earlier.

          Stages of the process of organizing online counseling there are three. First is the preparation stage. The preparatory phase includes the technical aspects of the use of hardware and software (software), which support the conduct of online counseling. Such as computer / laptop devices that can be connected to internet / Ethernet, headset, mic, webcam and so on. Second is the counseling process itself. The counseling process consists of five stages: stage, delivery, assessment, interpretation, coaching and assessment. Third is Phase three which is the post-process stage of online counseling. At this stage is a continuation of the previous stage where after the first assessment (1) the counseling will be successfully marked by the client's KES (effective daily living-EDL) condition (2) Counseling will be conducted with face-to-face session (3) Counseling will be continued at the next online counseling session and (4) The client will be referred to other counselors or other experts.

            The advantages of cybercounseling service I divide into five. First is an efficient time. Individuals who live in this age especially those in the early adult phase have a busy schedule of activities, when scheduling face to face counseling will be difficult to find the appropriate day and hour then counseling through the internet can be a solution.

         With chat counseling, individuals who have problems (hereinafter referred to as counselees) may discuss the matter through direct talk in writing. While through e-mail counseling, counselee can write down the problem then send to the address counselor. On the same day or the next day the counselor reads the email from the individual, responds and sends back to him.

         Second is more comfortable. This is because the counselee can more comfortable express the problem in writing. Many individuals feel tried, interrogated when they have to tell their problems in face-to-face counseling sessions. Third is to get help without shame. The counselee gets help to solve the problem without knowing his friends so do not feel worried about being called unable to solve problems independently by his friends.

        The fourth is to get help in a fun way. Counselees are familiar with Internet writing and communication. This is part of his life. Providing assistance in this way will be more fun than traditional counseling that requires meeting a counselor in a closed room. Through e-mail counseling, counselees can write the problem in detail in the bedroom, library, cafe, or wherever desired and whenever. Even for example at 02.00 will write down his anxiety and send to the counselor can be done.

       Finally, online counseling is also able to provide a lasting and concrete counseling record. It can be done giving many benefits to clients and therapists as a reminder of the things they have revealed before (Barak, 1999). For example, clients can re-read emails to evaluate the methods they used in previous problems as well as to review the positive and encouraging comments their therapists have made about them (Murphy & Mitchell, 1998). Furthermore, both client and therapist can fully reflect the issues discussed in previous sessions or communications (Manhal-Baugus, 2001) as well as to explore the client's progress at various stages in the course of treatment (Oravec, 2000).

·         Ifdil. (2013). Konseling Online Sebagai Salah Satu Bentuk Pelayanan E-konseling.
·         MELISSA WELLS, L. J. (2007). Online Mental Health Treatment:Concerns and Considerations.


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